Sorry to say but snow and ice removal, regardless of what products you apply will require work and multiple approaches to make your surfaces safe. We recommend a three pronged approach to snow fighting: pre-application, re-application, and if necessary, removal. Removal is what most of us try to avoid however in heavy precipitation events and/or really cold + high humidity situations, physical removal of snow and ice may be necessary no matter what products you apply.
Your first course of action occurs prior to a storm: pre-treat your property (driveway, side walk, parking lot, street) with preferable a liquid agent or granular (liquids work best as a pre treatment). An application of ice melt prior to a storm event will do two things. First, if the storm produces a light snow fall and if temperatures are not super low (+10 F or below) the pre treatment may very well melt the snow and no further work will be required. The second benefit from pre treatment occurs as the falling precipitation reacts with the snow/ice melt product. The chemical reaction will work to form a liquid barrier between the fallen snow or ice and the surface. This barrier will allow for easier snow removal by plow, snow blower, or if you are like me, by snow shovel.
The second course of action occurs as the snow accumulates. Here you have to choose two courses of actions; either apply liquids/granular and wait or remove the snow then apply liquids or granular product. The decision to remove the snow first will depend upon how rapidly the snow is falling or accumulating and temperature plus humidity. Products (all products) have limitations on how much snow and ice can be changed from solid to liquid. As the products go to work there is a natural dilution of product concentration. Our snow/ice melt products (and all snow/ice melt products) work to depress the freezing point of ice and or snow however they will also reach a saturation point and re-freezing will then occur.
If you laid down a pre-storm application and there is a build up of 3”, we recommend removal of the snow and then reapplication of product. If you did not pre-apply then with 3” of snow accumulation you may be able to apply product and allow the product to go to work. Our 3” rule is not set in stone and is not a guarantee. There are many, many factors that will impact effectiveness of strait product application onto a snow covered surface: temperature and water content is primary. How many gallons or pounds of product is applied, humidity, surface temperature, outside temperature, and size of the storm system will also play into the chemistry of effective snow fighting.